Villa supports measure to protect access to abortion

SPRINGFIELD – The Senate advanced a measure Tuesday supported by State Senator Karina Villa to protect access to abortion and other forms of reproductive health care.

“Overturning Roe v. Wade was a violation of human rights and autonomy,” said Villa. “While we have made waves in Illinois to enshrine abortion rights – many of our neighboring states have worked to do the opposite. Through this measure, we are ensuring Illinois remains a safe haven and that other states can’t intrude on our rights.”

House Bill 4664 comes following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. While Illinois has some of the most extensive reproductive health laws in the country, more work had to be done to further enshrine protections in Illinois. The legislation protects health care professionals in Illinois from restrictive laws from other states and provides privacy and protections for people who seek abortion or gender-affirming care in Illinois.

The legislation will shield people in Illinois from punishment related to reproductive health care that is lawful in Illinois and establishes a counterclaim for individuals who have a judgment entered against them in another state for reproductive health care that is legal in Illinois.

The bill also allows individuals in Illinois to be protected from insurers charging higher out-of-pocket costs when patients are forced to seek out-of-network provider care due to an in-network provider raising moral objections under the Health Care Right of Conscience Act.

“Every individual has the right to make their own decisions about their reproductive health,” Villa said. “I am proud to live in a state where we continue to trust and empower people to make decisions about their own bodies.”

HB 4664 passed the Senate and will now head to the House for a vote.