Villa measure fortifying protections against patient abuse advances

SPRINGFIELD – A measure championed by State Senator Karina Villa expanding protections against patient abuse passed the Senate on Sunday. This comes following an investigation into the issue conducted by the Chicago Tribune.

“Patients should be trusting of the health care professionals responsible for their care and well-being,” said Villa (D-West Chicago). “Before that trust is defied, laws must be in place to ensure patient safety.”

House Bill 3521 would require hospital affiliates to report suspected abuse of a patient at hospitals and facilities operated by a hospital affiliate, such as doctor’s offices and clinics. The measure would also explicitly prohibit employees of hospital affiliates from abusing a patient including medical staff, administrators, agents or other employees.

Under the initiative, hospital affiliates would be subjected to the same reporting guidelines as hospitals. The Illinois Department of Public Health would have to investigate abuse in facilities operated by hospital affiliates.

“Patients should be protected in all common health care settings,” said Villa. “This bill is a strong step toward ensuring patient safety and preventing future abuse.”

House Bill 3521 passed the Senate on Sunday.
