Author: Kingdombrandingsupport

Villa measure provides flexibility for IMRF employers
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund employers could have more flexibility in determining how to structure IMRF payments under the Illinois public pension system through a measure championed by State

Villa: We are one step closer to protecting the rights of nursing home residents
SPRINGFIELD – Community members and professionals on State Senator Karina Villa’s (D-West Chicago) Senior Advisory Committee are making strides on a measure that would ensure nursing home residents are treated

Villa: Advancing toward extended support for older LGBTQ adults
SPRINGFIELD – To recuperate from the discrimination older LGBTQ adults have faced historically, State Senator Karina Villa (D-West Chicago) has passed legislation that would allocate a designated advocate under the

DCFS to establish a pilot program for misrepresented families under Villa measure
SPRINGFIELD – The Department of Children and Family Services could soon be required to establish a three-year pilot program to maintain safety and eliminate risks for minority children in in

Villa: We are a step closer to eliminating misleading information for long-term care patients
SPRINGFIELD – People searching for long-term care facilities are a step closer to avoiding misleading information regarding available services, thanks to a measure championed by State Senator Karina Villa (D-West