Day: May 27, 2021

Prescription drug donation program created under Villa measure
SPRINGFIELD – Illinoisans who are unable to afford their medications would be able to take advantage of the state’s first prescription drug repository program under legislation sponsored by State Senator

Feminine hygiene products would be more accessible for low-income women under Villa measure
SPRINGFIELD – Feminine hygiene products could be purchased with federal and state food assistance program benefits under legislation sponsored by State Senator Karina Villa (D-West Chicago), which passed the Senate

No-contact orders could apply to families of sexual assault survivors under Villa measure
SPRINGFIELD – Civil no-contact order eligibility would be expanded to include family and household members of survivors of sexual assault under legislation sponsored by State Senator Karina Villa (D-West Chicago),

Villa measure would establish guidelines for trauma-informed school lockdown drills
SPRINGFIELD – School lockdown drills would no longer include graphic simulations to mimic a school shooting under legislation sponsored by State Senator Karina Villa (D-West Chicago), which passed the Senate